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Top tips for interviews

Top tips for interviews

We’re fast approaching the end of another University year, and what a strange one it has been. In and out of lockdowns, uncertainty hanging over us, and jumping through safety hoops. However, there is light at the end of the tunnel!

As the world begins to slowly open back up, so will industries and of course university spots on your desired course.

Like many others, you’re probably thinking about preparing yourself for interviews, whether that be for BNU or a job.

Two students wearing face coverings
1. Time

Give yourself time. Interviews take planning and practice to make sure you’re ready to smash each question that comes your way. Leaving your planning until the night before will only lead to nerves, and the feeling of being underprepared. It’s better to get ready every single aspect (even your outfit) than a last-minute rush!  

BNU even run workshops to help you grow your confidence and skills so when you step through that door you can be sure you’ve done all you can to secure the job.


2. Plan, plan, plan!

I’ve already touched on it, but you guessed, plan! When you apply for a spot on a course or a job, you’ll get a description of what you will be expected to do if you succeed. Take note of this and look at what attributes you have that could help support your profile. If it’s a creative course, what work have you done that shows off this attribute? If it’s talking to customers, where have you had to support someone in a professional setting?

3. Research

A good tip is to research, whether this is about your course, chosen subject area or a job.

It’s important you show interest in what you are applying for, this shows your interviewer you are keen to learn more.

You can also research commonly asked questions and talk to current students online.

Group of BNU students sitting in library study rooms
4. Be yourself

So, one of the most important thing I can say is to always be yourself. Your personality could be the difference between being hired or not. Employers and staff want to make sure that their team is close-knit and are able to get along.

They want to know that you’ll fit in with the ethos and rest of the people you’ll be with daily. So, engage and show them why you deserve a spot in their classroom or company!


If you have any remaining questions about this then please contact us using the chat feature for further assistance.