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My BNU story: BSc (Hons) Paramedic Science

My BNU story: BSc (Hons) Paramedic Science

Hi everyone, I am Aimee, a student in the BSc Paramedic Science course. I joined BNU the September after my A-levels, where my subjects were Maths, Human Biology and Health and Social Care. I applied to university through UCAS and went to many open days before deciding on the five universities to apply for.

For my Application to BNU, I also had to attend an interview which allowed me to participate in an example lecture. This is where I met future lecturers. The applicants also had the opportunity to talk to current students and ask questions without the lecturers there. It allowed me to get a natural feel of the BNU community. After this interview, I decided to make BNU my first choice of University, and I could not be happier with my decision.

Using iSimulate technology to practice with realistic patient monitors and defibrillators.
A student completing a medical assessment on one of our advanced patient simulators

Why did you decide to study at BNU, and does that make your course right for you?

BNU was my first choice of university because the small classes let a personal relationship between lecture and student grow. Course Leaders get to know the student's strengths and how to support improvement. As a student with some learning difficulties, I knew this would help, as I could ask more questions in class, and the lecturers would get to know what I needed to learn effectively. We would all have a personal tutor that we can go to with any questions or something we need help with.

Another factor I considered in my university choice is if the university was close to home. I was happy that BNU was close to home, but other people in my class were delighted to be further away from home.

Also the Bucks Students’ Union offers a wide range of seminars and courses to improve academic skills that are free of charge. This helped me bridge the gap between Sixth form and university.

All of the points above made this university and course right for me, but the cherry on top was that ratio of practical to theory is about 50% each on my course. I love the practical sessions as it lets the student's practice skills, and we use the theory to improve our understanding of the skills.

What do you love most about your course?

I love the course I am on as I love the topic I am studying, but I didn't expect the peers I have and the fantastic class community would bring me so much joy. I can't imagine my cohort any other way than the way they are now. We help each other with our academic studies by going to the library together to be more productive, and we share our knowledge on different skills so everyone can improve, all well having a laugh or a bit of fun.

What would you say to anyone considering studying at BNU? 

A few top tips I can give to someone thinking about joining BNU is to do your research. Look at the Students’ Union website to find societies or experiences you will enjoy. Taking a break from studying is essential not to burn out. One way you can do this is fresher's fair. All the societies will be there, so you can meet the people running the society to see if it is for you, and you get freebies, so that's a win.

Don't be afraid to ask questions. If you are confused in class, ask a lecturer for help. If you have a question about accommodation, you can go to accommodation services. Don't power through alone. Everybody is here to help.