Staff Profile

Prathna Singh staff profile photo

Prathna Singh


Joining BNU in 2019, I work for the University one day a week and the other four days I work as a Data Engineer at a local business. By being in industry and teaching I feel the knowledge that I impart to my students is current and relevant. 

I studied for two of my degrees (BSc Computer Science, MSc Internet Systems and Ecommerce) at Durham University. My third degree, MSc Data Science, was obtained from the University of Dundee. I am interested in everything data related because of how you can predict incredible insights from your data if it is stored and maintained in a logical way. 

I am a member of the Fellowship of Higher Education Academy. 

My specialist knowledge has led me to start my own consultancy business as a subject matter expert in the realm of data analytics.

My career highlight is my ongoing work to improve course material for the data analytics curriculum for universities and the apprenticeship scheme. 

Job Title
  • Associate Lecturer
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